Pragmatic Marketing Service
Companies that are not well differentiated or positioned need to go back to the fundamentals. TekStack’s service will align the CEOs vision to marketing efforts.
The problem
Companies aren’t well differentiated and do not convey a value proposition to their market. They may lack the skills between the CEO vision and being able to convey this vision to potential buyers. CEO has a great vision but that hasn’t been translated to the website, talking points, materials; things that buyers need to see to understand this vision, and materials that sales people need to know what to say to potential customers.
Growing out of ‘owner-led’ sales is key to scaling, and a key part of creating more value in the company.
How our Pragmatic Marketing service will make an impact
As experienced B2B software practitioners, we’ll provide the services needed to align CEO vision to marketing. Senior level resources that are only required for a short duration of time, and quickly translate into marketing.
What’s included in the offering?
Using Pragmatic Institute’s tried and true product marketing framework:
- Market Selection including definition and sizing
- Market Problems
- Competitive Analysis
- Win/Loss Interviews
- Value Proposition
- Buyer Personas
Okay, here’s the fine print
Pricing in US Dollars. TekStack can provide pricing for CAD, GBP, EUR, and AUD.
Pricing Terms
Pricing based on annual term paid in advance. Monthly pricing is available through our business partner Capchase on an annual term. Just add 10%. Payment by ACH, Wire, or Credit Card. For Credit Card, add 4% processing fee.